Trichur Trophies is a leading manufacturer and supplier of trophies and awards across South India. Trichur trophies have gained wide recognition from The Times of India and Manorama News during the Kerala State Kalolsavam. While the frontend preparations for Kerala State Kalolsavam 2022 were underway in Kozhikode, a major preliminary work related to the manufacturing of trophies and awards was underway in Mattom, a remote village near Thrissur. About 14,000 trophies and awards were made by Trichur Trophies, which is based in Kerala’s Mattom, Thrissur district. These were given to the winners of the different competitions at the State Kalolsavam 2022. They were the trophies and awards partner during the 2015 National Games of India, which were held across seven districts in Kerala, India.